Across the UK, local authorities are reporting spikes in complaints about noise and nuisance. As people are stuck at home, and have taken the opportunity to clear out rooms, garages and gardens of unwanted clutter, the complaints mount. Join us on Thursday 30th April as we look at noise and nuisance issues during the coronavirus lockdown. Topics to be covered include managing noise complaints whilst protecting officers, the rise of fly-tipping and bonfire related nuisance as well as looking to the future and how a lengthy lockdown could result in a rise in anti-social behaviour.

Our panel includes Tim Everett, Doctoral researcher, and trainer in Environmental Law as well as holding a wealth of experiences from being a board member for various health agencies and a national adviser to the Cabinet Office. As well as Tony Higgins, who has over 25 years of regulatory and consultancy experience dealing with noise and nuisance issues. Tony worked as an Environmental Health Manager for over 20 years, and as a consultant specialising in environmental pollution (including noise and nuisance) for the last 15 years. Tony is a Member of the Institute of Acoustics and an elected member of the IOA Measurement & Instrumentation Group.